Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday Brewsday

Our very first stop in Dublin was a local bar that was right down the street from our hotel. It was called Molloys. This was not the average looking bar in Dublin; it was very beautiful on the outside (as you can see from the picture) and a little shabby on the inside.  This particular bar had the cheapest pint of Guinness that Dublin offers.  When we walked in all eyes were on us, you could definitely tell that we were from American. We sat down and soon made friends with the bartender, Regina, and a few of the locals who were regulars at Molloys. They loved us! They would not stop talking to us and telling us stories about their lives, it was amazing. It was as if they had never talked to Americans before.  We soon learned that one of the men we were talking to was a father to a famous Irish singer. His son was Ronan Keating. At the time we had no idea who Ronan Keating was, we later Googled him and recognized some of his music.  Before we left Dublin we went back to say goodbye to our new friends and they were so smitten that we remembered them, it is something I will never forget.

Photo Credit: My own

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