Monday, October 6, 2014


#IrishBizParty is trending on Twitter all over Ireland. It is a hashtag that local business use to communicate with other local businesses while promoting their own. They can express ideas and offer advice to people around them. Being a business owner can be frustrating at times and would be beneficial to have support from other entrepreneurs who are going through the same thing. Small businesses often have a hard time promoting themselves, so why not Tweet about it and get your business name trending? The goal of this is to tweet, explaining how you have promoted your business and to give ideas to other local business. In return they will re tweet you to get your name and their name out to the public.  This is a free and easy method to promote your business. #IrishBizParty is live and interactive on Wednesdays between 9-11 pm.
Photo Credit:
We, as community members need to work together and support our local businesses. We can help! Shop at local and family owned places instead of big corporate businesses. 

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about #IrishBizParty, and check out more information on this trending topic at www.whatstrending. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tuesday Brewsday

Starting on Tuesdays (besides this week that will be posted on Wednesday) I am going to talk about the different bars I went to during my stay in Ireland. Ireland is well known for their Guinness and Jameson Irish Whiskey and the bars are rarely closed. Most bars open at 8 AM and don't close till the wee hours of the morning. First, I am going to start with my favorite and most popular bar in Dublin; The Temple Bar. When you first walk in its kind of dark but your eyes adjust quickly.  It is definitely a bar for younger people to hangout at, there is a young feeling in the air. There are always a ton of people ready to drink, eat, and listen to some good music.

Photo Credit: My Own
Temple bar always has entertainment, sometimes more than one band or singer in the bar at a time. You can go on their website and see what live entertainment is playing at what times to make sure you don't miss out on a great time. Temple has a great menu and their food is awesome. If you ever have the chance to go, I would highly recommend Chicken caesar sandwich on sourdough bread. Temple has a store that you can buy all kinds of Temple Bar merchandise at, everything from clothing to shot glasses to Irish jewelry. This bar really is one of the coolest spots in Dublin.  

Be sure to come back next Tuesday and check out some more Irish pubs, also check out this Ireland's Hidden Gems blog for some top 10 attractions in Dublin!