Monday, September 29, 2014

Picture Of The Day

If you ever have the chance to travel outside of the U.S., take it. Traveling is a once and a life time opportunity, my trip to Ireland is something that I will never forget, it was an experience of a lifetime. There is so much to learn and so many different customs that we in America are not used to. Traveling widens your prospective and is an eye opening experience.  I have found there are many benefits to traveling, and if you can, it is beneficial to start while you are young and before you have started a family so you have the freedom to go whenever and wherever you desire.

I like this picture because it is encouraging people to get out there and see the world, because there is so much to experience. While I was in Ireland I got to learn so much about the culture and see how differently things are done there. The locals are super nice and are very helpful with questions; they want you to enjoy your time experiencing their wonderful city.  The first bar we went to was called, Molloys, the bartenders name was Regina and she ended up being one of the favorite people we met. Not only was she very welcoming, she told us where to go and where to avoid, and introduced us to pretty much everyone in the bar. We made quite a few friends on our first stop! 

Feel free to comment and check back later for more tips and stories.

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